The Scarecrow Gathering
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Our Scarecrow Gathering is intended to be a fun and joyful reflection on what makes our community so special; we hope that it will attract lots of entries from families, social groups, fundraising teams as well as the businesses who are at the show.
There are two classes:
Class 60: Group & Family – any topic of your choosing
Class 61: Business Class – a scarecrow to promote your business
A prize of £25 awarded to the best scarecrow in each class. Each scarecrow entry will be allocated a 5’ post in this special competition. If you have special requirements for space around the post, please let us know on the entry form.
A prize of £25 awarded to the best scarecrow in each class. Each scarecrow entry will be alocated a 5’ post in this special competition. If you have special requirements for space around the post, please let us know on the entry form.
We’ve put together a few tips below to help you to successfully enter the Show.

How to enter your Scarecrow into the Gathering:
Please complete the entry form and send it to Mrs A. M. B. Crabb at the Show Office, Oak Field House, Chapel Lane, Epperstone, NG14 6AQ.
If you enter a scarecrow to join the gathering, it’s a commitment to attend. The posts on which the scarecrows are exhibited are very expensive and we’ll be organising for our scarecrow team to put a post up for your entry. If you find out before the Show that you can’t enter, then just call us/email us and we’ll cancel the post reserved for you.
If you don’t need a post for your scarecrow, please let us know.

What to expect when your Scarecrow arrives at the Show site:
You will be directed to a special car park, signposted ‘Horticultural & Domestic Produce’, and you will need to transport your scarecrow to to the Horticulture & Home Craft marquee (it won’t be far, but you should think about how to move it from the car to the marquee).
Your exhibit should be ready for judging no later than 10 am. Once judging has begun, the area will be cleared and no further fettling or tweaking will be allowed and you will be asked to leave the area so that judging can take place.
Your scarecrow will have a post, approx 5′ high, to which you should secure your exhibit. Please think about how you can do this without causing injury to your new stuffed companion. You don’t have to use the post if you don’t wish to but please do make sure that your scarecrow is secure and not at risk of falling over.
After judging, the area will be open to the general public – we cannot take responsibility for any belongings or valuables attached to your scarecrow.
Scarecrows can return home with you from 4pm onwards. Uncollected scarecrows will be disposed of if not collected by 6pm on the day of the Show. Harsh? Possibly, but that’s show business!
What if your scarecrow wins?
If you have a ‘First’ card attached to your exhibit when judging is complete, we will award you £25 – your winnings should be collected from the Scarecrow Secretary at 4pm. Prize money must be collected on the day or it will be donated to the Show Society.